Sunday, July 29, 2012

Butterfly Watching in Nepal

.Butterfly is one of the most beautiful creature in the earth.It has always charmed people with its delicanteness and its gorgeously coloured wias alwas wings and its beauty has always inspired many poet ,artists and photographers around the world, Nepal houses excellent representation of buterflies found  both in Oriental and Palaearctic realms. According to Official records Nepal has 651 species of butterflies which is 3.72% of the world's butterflies.All these species are caterozised under 11 families of the existing 15 families in the world.About 29 species and subspecies have been found widespread in the country.Butterfly can be found blomming at the maximum altitude of 5500 meter in the himalayan to 2700 meter above sea level. Mid mountain region is the metting point for the both the Palaearctic and oriental Species.Among the notable and rare species found in this part include Teinopalpus inperialis and many other interesting species.
More than 360 Species of butterflies are found in kathmandu and its Sourrounding hills.Teinopalpus imperialis,Papilio Krishna,Diagora nicevillei,Troides aeacus e.t.c are some notable kinds found in kathmandu.the southern part stretching from Godavari to the Phulchowki can be considered to be one of the most potential sites for the butterflies in Nepal.Shivapuri National parks os the next hot spot for the dioversity of the butterflies.various Studies reveal the existance of 102 species of butterfiles in this park .Rare Species like Paoilio Krishna has been reported at an elevation of 2120 meter of Shiva puri Hill.

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